[vc_row type=”full_width_section” bg_color=”#ffffff” top_padding=”0″ bottom_padding=”0″][vc_column width=”1/4″][minti_spacer height=”10″][minti_headline font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-m” weight=”fontweight-700″ align=”align-left” margin=”40px 0px 40px 40px”]Collections[/minti_headline][vc_column_text][minti_divider style=”5″ margin=”-40px 0 0 40px”][/vc_column_text][minti_headline type=”div” color=”#999999″ lineheight=”lh-14″ align=”align-left” margin=”40px 0px 40px 40px”]ACQUISITION
MANAGEMENT[/minti_headline][minti_spacer height=”20″][minti_headline font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ align=”align-left” margin=”40px 0px 20px 40px”]OUR COLLECTION BRANDS[/minti_headline][vc_column_text][minti_divider style=”6″ margin=”-20px 0 0 41px”][/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement=”top”][vc_column_inner][minti_headline type=”div” size=”fontsize-xs” weight=”fontweight-500″ lineheight=”lh-14″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0px 0px 20px 60px”]Credit Bureau of Canada
Collection[/minti_headline][minti_headline type=”div” size=”fontsize-xs” color=”#999999″ weight=”fontweight-500″ lineheight=”lh-14″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0px 0px 20px 60px”]Collection Group
of Canada[/minti_headline][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][minti_spacer][/vc_column][vc_column el_class=”page_cnt_services” width=”1/2″][minti_spacer height=”56″][minti_image img=”17251″ img_size=”large” align=”center” animation=”fade-in”][minti_divider style=”3″ margin=”-25px 0 5px 0″][vc_column_text]SinglePoint Group International Inc. is the holding company for our recognized industry leading brands specializing in accounts receivable management including Collections Group of Canada (CGC).
CGC primarily focuses on providing business to business accounts receivable management solutions within the US and Canada. Founded in 1984, CGC is Canada’s largest commercial collection agency. CGC manages business to business accounts from as early as 5 days past due through to charge off.
With over 30 years of commercial accounts receivables experience, we have the practices and the procedures to meet your industry needs.
- We have built a proprietary in-house software platform to ensure we can assist you with the unique nature of business to business debts (multiple invoices, credit notes, product returns and more).
- Online access to your accounts provides unfiltered insight to your overall strategy and account status.
- We also have an in-house paralegal team to support legal actions on behalf of our clients.
- We have a team of professionals with tenure, collection experience who can service your clients in English, French and Spanish
We have the expertise and the technology to manage your accounts receivables throughout their lifecycle.
Our services, in any combination depending on your needs, include;
- Full legal administration
- Commercial credit investigations
- Back-office services
- Account maintenance and fulfillment
- Direct-mail program
- Email programs
- Data entry
- Scanning services
- Payment processing
- Help desk technical support
[/vc_column_text][minti_box style=”7″ bgimage=”6″ padding=”20px 0px 0px 0px” align=”align-left”][minti_button link=”http://collectiongroup.com/ramp/en/login.php” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”color-3″ icon=”fa-unlock-alt”]RAMP Login[/minti_button] [minti_button link=”/client-login/cgc-account-placement/” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”color-6″ icon=”fa-plus-square”]Account Placement[/minti_button][/minti_box][minti_spacer height=”60″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”full_width_section” text_align=”center”][vc_column width=”1/1″][minti_callout bgcolor=”#f68b1f” textcolor=”#ffffff” buttontext=”Get in touch” url=”/contact-us/” buttoncolor=”color-6″]Let’s talk about your needs[/minti_callout][/vc_column][/vc_row]